Cross Platform Modules

"Write once, run anywhere (WORA)" was the famous slogan made by Sun Microsystems in 1995.  At the time, this technology allowed for easy full stack engineering allowing you to target dedicated workstations and on premise servers. So long as a Java Runtime Environment existed, you could run your code. Java was unable to keep to their slogan as web browsers became more advanced, mobile devices became ubiquitous, and companies no longer required dedicated servers.

Software engineers are now required to learn multiple languages, technologies, and frameworks in order to fully support full stack engineering. This project aims to simplify by developing a set of cross platform modules implementing a similar / identical Application Program Interface (API) regardless of the chosen technology covered by this project. This allows a developer to maximize their productivity because regardless of the technology, they are learning a similar module API for their solution.

C/C++ Module

This project aims to implement the use cases from the CodeMelted - Developer project allowing for a need of speed in an application. It will be developed with a C header interface and a C++ implementation. This allows for the easiest integration into other modules via a Foreign Function Interface (FFI). It will also support web assembly for usage in the web browser. Last but not least, you can use it as its own compilable target for embedded / desktop / server implementations.

Flutter Module

This project aims to provide a developer with the ability to build client applications regardless of deployment target. Those deployment targets include desktop, mobile, and web. By leveraging the CodeMelted - Developer identified use cases, you can be assured to building a powerful native application.

JS Module

This project aims to give a common fullstack solution for Progressive Web Applications (PWA) utilizing the CodeMelted - Developer use cases. It utilizes the Deno Runtime to run as your backend service. This was chosen as it has a full range of services for your backend if you choose to utilize it. You can also take your backend and host it on a different platform. This allows you to not be locked into a vendor for your backend. It was also chosen because it implements the Browser Web APIs. This allows the module to implement backend and web frontend common code developing a more complete solution. Lastly, Deno provides the use of TypeScript natively out of the box. So you are able to utilize both JavaScript / TypeScript for your solution and roll with any build system.

pwsh Module

This project aims to implement CodeMelted - Developer use cases with the terminal in mind. The terminal serves as the place developers string together Dev OPS or automated solutions to users. With this in mind, PowerShell Core was chosen as the target platform. The reason for this is it has full support for Linux, Mac, and Windows allowing for a common scripting language regardless of the operating system.